Beyond Nine Months: Get Renewed Confidence in Your Body So You Can Feel Like Yourself Again...Months or Years after Childbirth!

by Andalon, Dawn D.
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781688328815

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Everything you ever wanted to know about the embarrassing (and often unspoken) issues your body endures postpartum but didn't know who to ask Beyond Nine Months will empower moms of all ages. It's time to reveal the real information and solutions behind the embarrassment and frustration of peeing your pants when you jump or sneeze, pelvic organ prolapse, back pain, abdominal separation, and painful sex. Once you are postpartum, you are always postpartum, and this book is going to take you beyond Kegel exercises to find a resolution once and for all to renew your confidence in your body again Beyond Nine Months will: -Reveal the missing links in the US Healthcare system facing women today, which are readily available to you -Challenge the belief that motherhood includes physical changes that are irreversible. -Learn how to finally resolve embarrassing bladder control issues naturally without having to wear a pad or dark yoga pants with exercise, improve prolapse symptoms and diastasis recti without dangerous surgery, how to resume your active life without back pain stopping you... AND MUCH MORE -Learn the secrets to resolving common women's health issues naturally by seeing the doctor ALL women need in their life. -Provide you with the exact action steps (no matter what your age) to give you more energy, free of worry, and the active lifestyle you deserve You train to get your body to look or perform a certain way, but do you train to restore, heal, and perform for the demands of motherhood following a nine-month period that has put a significant strain on your physical body? As you reach your 40s, 50s, and beyond and facing unnecessary surgeries and use of medications, there is available conservative and effective options, as noted in this book, to keep free from worrying about your future health.If you or someone you know has had a baby (whether weeks, months, or even YEARS ago ), this is a must-read so you are not left in the dark and you can feel like yourself again--no matter what your age "Dr. Andalon highlights something in motherhood that is so important, that once you become a mother you are always postpartum. Women have been taught by society to not talk about how our bodies really change once we have babies, and therefore, important issues we face in regards to our female health are overlooked." -Lara Schulte, Co-Founder, Generation.Mom
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Andalon, Dawn D.
  • ISBN: 9781688328815
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.02 x 0.27
  • Number Of Pages: 126
  • Publication Year: 2019

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