Crab Bait & Hairball 1,111 Hip-Pocket Aphorisms

by Jacobson, Ken
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ISBN: 9781730717079

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VIEW THE WHITEBOARD VIDEO BELOW... CLICK ICON. Most people don't know the word "aphorism." It is a short pointed sentence that expresses a wise or clever observation or a general truth. CRAB BAIT & HAIRBALL is a little Red Book (128 pages and 43 cartoons) written by Ken Jacobson, a retired commercial artist, advertising executive and bird hunter. Jacobson has been collecting aphorisms (or what he calls aphorisms) for over fifty years. During those years he has owned a commercial art studio and an advertising agency; raised a family; been an avid hunter and raised and campaigned Brittany bird dogs nationally. CRAB BAIT & HAIRBALL 1,111 HIP-POCKET APHORISMS is an amalgamation of his learning, understanding of life and the importance of family. He says he has boiled his life down to: "My Family; my Friends; my Memories and my Dreams." "Family isn't always blood. It's people (and animals) in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and love you no matter what." CRAB BAIT is a Brittany and was told if he didn't hunt, he would be CRAB BAIT. CRAB BAIT is very bright and likes to show off by explaining aphorisms, paraprosdokians, lexophilia and puns; HAIRBALL is a neutered male cat that walks around on the tips of his claws; MO is a bright mouse and the leader of the gang; and DIRT is a slow rat and feels belittled because everyone calls him a "dirty rat." The foursome is a big part of BOSS' family. Over the years, the numeral (1) has constantly appeared in all of Jacobson's activities, to the point, that 111 has become "spooky but welcomed" to Jacobson... It appears in various forms... 1, 11, 111. When looking at clocks to tell time... 1:00, 1:10, 1:11. 11:11.etc. At the Brittany National Championships in Booneville, Arkansas, when he was inducted into the HOF he was given room 111. Recently, returning from a bird hunting trip, he stopped to take a picture of a rainbow with his cell phone... 1:11. He has a red lite digital clock in his bedroom that reflects off fluting on the fireplace... a perfect 1111. On his last proof reading of CRAB BAIT & HAIRBALL... the final page number 111.CRAB BAIT aphorisms will bring smiles and laughter, maybe even tears to everyone. It is for all ages who enjoy wit and wisdom. It is a reservoir of creative thought. I can just be a fun read, like reading "Yogisms." I dedicated this little Red Book to my unofficially adopted parents, John and Joann Munson, who introduced me to Brittany's. John was born in Arkansas; had a grade school education; worked his was west during the depression and served in the Pacific in WWII. Johnny was the wisest, soft spoken man I have ever met... To make a point, he would talk using short, concise sentences... aphorisms. Everything John said had a specific meaning based on his experience. Over time, everyone around John began to recognize and use John's "sayings." Johnny was a frugal, yet generous man. He introduced me to the concept of the "HIP-POCKET NATIONAL BANK." He had worked hard all his life. He believed if you wanted something you had to work and save for it. He was fond of saying. "You want to double your money? Then fold it, and put it in your hip-pocket." My favorite Johnny HIP-POCKET aphorisms are: "There are two sides to every pancake." "You can't save every robin in the nest." "Yesterday is a cashed check." "Retired, everyday is Saturday." "You're about as handy as an extra pocket on a shirt." "A man will stand on his brother's head to save himself from drowning." "I'd rather have it, than have it to get." "If they're talking about me, they're leaving someone else alone." "You can't beat a colt for being a colt." "There's only one chance to make a first or last impression." and "Good dogs and good horses are not for sale."
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Jacobson, Ken
  • ISBN: 9781730717079
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.00 x 0.41
  • Number Of Pages: 194
  • Publication Year: 2018

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