Italy: A Difficult Democracy: A Survey of Italian Politics

by Spotts, Frederic
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9780521315111

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Italy is the world's sixth economic power, lies in a key geopolitical position, and was a founding member of NATO and the European Community. Yet of all the major European states Italy is the least understood and studied. This book provides the only up-to-date survey of the Italian political scene during the forty years since World War II. It describes the inner-dynamics of the political parties, the day-to-day functioning of the governing institutions, and the interaction of the country's economic, social, and political life. It shows how a political system, riven with difficulties and seemingly in a continual crisis, survives and prospers - in some ways more successfully than its purportedly better-governed neighbours. Based on the authors' first-hand observations of Italian politics, the book offers a valuable insight into a subtle and complex, but fascinating political world.
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Spotts, Frederic
  • ISBN: 9780521315111
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 8.94 x 0.80
  • Number Of Pages: 344
  • Publication Year: 1986

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