Jorge El Curioso: de Basura a Tesoro / Curious George: Trash Into Treasure: (Cgtv Bilingual Reader)

by Rey, H. A.
3.1 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781328586476
Used - Trade Paperback - 9781328586476

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George curioso es parte de un desaf o de equipo para limpiar las calles de la ciudad, hasta que encuentra tesoros escondidos en el camino
George es parte de un desaf o de equipo para ayudar a limpiar la ciudad en el D a de la Ciudad Bonita. Pero cuando encuentra tesoros escondidos y olvidados en el camino, se da cuenta de que est recolectando m s tesoros que basura. Si quiere ayudar a su equipo a ganar el desaf o, tendr que resolver su creciente alijo de tesoros y ver cu les realmente quiere conservar. Pero c mo?
Tambi n incluye actividades de bonificaci n para ayudar a reforzar los conceptos presentados en la historia.

In this bilingual Green Light Reader based on Curious George, the Emmy Award-winning PBS TV show, George is ready to help clean up the city. But George quickly finds that someone else's trash could be his treasure
George is part of a team challenge to help clean up the city on Pretty City Day. But when he finds hidden and forgotten treasures along the way, he realizes he's collecting more treasures than he is trash If he wants to help his team win the challenge, he'll need to sort out his growing stash of treasures and see which ones he really wants to keep.

This Spanish/English bilingual reader is set in two different color text for ease of readability, and also includes bonus activities to help reinforce the concepts presented in the story.
  • Format: TradePaperback
  • Author: Rey, H. A.
  • ISBN: 9781328586476
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 8.80 x 0.30
  • Number Of Pages: 24
  • Publication Year: 2019

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