The Secret to Blended Families Marriage and Parenting Success: Making Peace, Escaping the Drama, and Successfully Solving Marriage and Parenting Probl

by Carstens, Daren
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9780989371605

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Whether you have children that are a product of a divorce, death or other life-changing experience, adding a new set of siblings and parents into the mix is something that is a traumatic event, no matter how pleasantly it goes. When an adult decides to move on and take that fateful step into marriage once again, the families that result from that marriage can be quite a combo. In this book, Daren Carstens, along with his wife, help you with advice, ideas and theories that will help you along this new road that you are traveling. You will learn how to love your spouse more, properly discipline your biological and step-children, create a fun, loving household, and move on by grasping the joy that each day in a blended family provides. With their help you will realize that things that may seem like a curse can be turned into amazing blessings. Life is precious and learning how to live a peaceful one, inside of a house of different personalities is something to be treasured. Are you part of a blended family? Have you been struggling to make everyone in your home feel special and equal? From step-brothers and step-sisters to live-in grandparents and adopted children, blending a family is a complicated and long process. With the help of Daren Carstens and his wife Laura, you will walk through a step by step process and be led into a peaceful, productive family life, marriage, and personal life. Are you divorced? Have you adopted a child? Or has grandma moved in to the spare bedroom? All of these things are examples of the components that make up the different parts of a blended family. All of these things are examples of the components that make a blended family so difficult to transition into a cohesive unit. This book will help you manage your marriage, whether it is a new marriage after divorce or death, in which you are blending two previous families into one. You will get tips of the trade from an experienced family, along with the inspiration that it takes to help you create a foundation that will withstand any storm. By reading this book you gain the tools that you need to deal with strife, rebellion, and disagreements and those tools will help you to build a strong family that lives a fun, peaceful life. Packed full of quotes and stories, this book will also help you ease your stress over your new situation, bickering within your family, and the personal trauma that every person in the family unit goes through after a big change. You will learn to regain your love for each other and your passions in life and explore those passions as a family, set to tackle the world together. Throughout this book we will explore how to handle the tensions between new siblings by teaching brothers and sisters to become lifelong friends. When you look inside you will see that Daren explores different theories on how to stop jealousy between siblings, how to assure that everyone in the household feels special, and creative ways to celebrate each other on a daily basis. You will learn how to deal with marital disagreements and how the way that you deal with those disagreements will affect the rest of your family. You will gain insight into why our behavior is so important to the rest of the family and how to decide whether or not you need more help within your blended family. If you are in a blended family or you have a family member who is in this situation, the advice and leadership that Daren Carstens, along with his wife Laura, will give you, will prove to be an invaluable gift. Share this book with your spouse and work together as the heads of your family to bring the members closer. You will learn to give each other the support that both of you need as husband and wife and through that, your children will learn to support each other. After you have used all of these wonderful tools, please be sure to review this book so that others can gain insight into how they may be inspired by it.
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Carstens, Daren
  • ISBN: 9780989371605
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.02 x 0.27
  • Number Of Pages: 126
  • Publication Year: 2013

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