The Unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future: Jenam 2002

by Monteiro, Mario
3.5 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9781402016738

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The Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting (JENAM) of 2002, was held in Porto - Portugal (2-7 September 2002), corresponding to the I ph Meeting of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) and the IJ En- contra Nacional de Astronomia e Astroftsica (12ENAA) of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia (SPA). Portugal has a small and young community of researchers in Astronomy. This meeting have had an important role in marking the beginning of what we expect to be a new phase for Astronomy in Portugal. The fact that we have chosen to address '"the future" reflects this will of the Portuguese com- munity to share and discuss our commitment for the next decades with our colleagues. The meeting, titled "The Unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Fu- ture," aimed at discussing some of the major research programmes and objec- tives for the next decades. The scientific programme included the plenary ses- sions (invited reviews and highlight talks), whose contributions are published in this book, and several workshops on more specific topics.
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Author: Monteiro, Mario
  • ISBN: 9781402016738
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.21 x 0.44
  • Number Of Pages: 131
  • Publication Year: 2003

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