Waiting - Mastering The UnAvoidable - Overcoming Life's Waiting Seasons

by Tate, Tuesday
3.4 out of 5 Customer Rating
ISBN: 9780578145150

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Waiting is something that everyone must do in one way, at one time, or another...but why is waiting so dang-gone hard As Dr. Tuesday began to study this unavoidable life discipline, she took note of the spiritual disciplines that were most often studied, discussed, and taught; however, waiting was not one of them. Like most of us, as life circumstances caused or forced her to wait, she became more and more convinced that waiting was quite possibly the most difficult discipline a person will face or do and the most challenging to master. It is Dr. Tuesday's hope that by reading this book you will gain understanding to help you manage, overcome and provide you a better approach to facing your waiting seasons with a new mindset. The truth is everyone has to wait. Dr. Tuesday is confident that you will gain great insight and understanding of the necessity and benefits of waiting and how to wait right. At the end of each chapter, you are given the opportunity and space to consider and journal what you have learned through this soul searching reading. Through personal testimonies, your own reflections, and supported references, you will receive valuable instruction and tangible tools to help you navigate through your life waiting places and seasons. You are invited you to take this victory journey. Mastering your waiting place is possible and available to you. Welcome to Waiting... Mastery awaits you.
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Author: Tate, Tuesday
  • ISBN: 9780578145150
  • Condition: Used
  • Dimensions: 9.00 x 0.70
  • Number Of Pages: 338
  • Publication Year: 2015

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